“Be humble for you are made of earth.
Be noble for you are made of stars.”  


Serbian proverb

(someone on the internet)

About me

Hi, I am Nayan, graduated with a Master’s degree in Physics from University of Hyderabad, India. I have always been fascinated by the process of solving problems. Different problems require different set of tools and some we invent with the combination of what we have and some we learn. In the process we find a lot of things to wonder at as well as moments to cherish with people which makes life interesting. Astronomy allowed me to wonder at bigger things and made my evenings fun filled. 


I completed my undergraduate courses in Physics from Manipal University Jaipur. From the day in school discovering how Mathematics can be used to study the properties of the things around us I knew Physics was a way to question and learn the fundamental aspects of things. Physics too has limitations due to different interesting reasons and thus we need to respect the approaches of other disciplines as well is what I and we all discover. Classical Mechanics especially Relativity lie among the core interests. (more in the interests section) I had Particle Physics and General relativity as my specialization courses and look forward to continue related things.


Many times in the day you will find me listening to Rock music (I think it has no limits it’s for everyone and everything), taking photos of things around (I believe camera is one of the best tools we have) and Guitar by the night (what’s better ? ). Friends with vivid interests keep on bringing alot of stuff to explore my way.

Let’s pretend this is the best time to be alive which indeed is. I welcome you to this space on the internet.

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